About Access Bio

The Access Bio Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program, a key initiative of Oregon Bio, connects employers with individuals eager to enter the bioscience industry. This program focuses on expanding opportunities for underrepresented groups while addressing the critical need to fill essential roles. Supported by a Future Ready Oregon Workforce Ready Grant from the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), it goes beyond job creation, emphasizing long-term workforce retention and diversity.

Get Involved


Are you interested in becoming an apprentice and pursuing a career in biomanufacturing? Click below to learn more about our program and how you can apply.

Start Your Biomanufacturing Career


Are you an employer looking to build a skilled workforce? Click below to learn more about how our apprenticeship program can benefit your company. Join us in building a diverse and skilled workforce for Oregon's biotech industry. 

Build Your Skilled Workforce

Join us in building a diverse and skilled workforce for Oregon's biotech industry. 

For more information, contact us at